When you buy using the Buy now button, i.e. you pay through FINDS, you are covered by the Buyer Protection. With Buyer Protection, you can receive a refund if your order: 

  • Is significantly not as described 
  • Never arrives
  • Is damaged in transit 
  • Is cancelled by FINDS 
  • Is cancelled by the Seller 

If your order does not fit any of those criteria, but doesn't fit/isn't your style, you won't be able to claim a refund through FINDS. However you are free to chat to the seller and it will be up to them whether to accept the refund/return.

There are two possible solutions you and the seller may agree on: 

  • You can keep the item. 
  • You can return the item, and claim a refund. 

If you fail to find a solution, you’re welcome to contact us so we can step in. Usually, sellers cover the cost of the return postage for items that don't match the description. The return delivery cost depends on the courier you and the seller choose. Any provider is suitable, but make sure they offer parcel tracking. You’ll receive your refund in the same account that you originally paid from. The refund processing time depends on the payment method initially used for this order.